
Monday, February 17, 2014

Rube Works: "The Official Rube Goldberg Invention Game"

Rube Works is the official Rube Goldberg invention game.  This app is quite impressive.  It is designed for ages 9 to adult, but my six year old son is able to manipulate the contraptions to solve the puzzles. The game is based on all of the cartoon inventions that Rube Goldberg has made famous.  I have used this app within my classroom to promote problem-solving and critical thinking skills that go above and beyond the core curriculum.  Rube Works currently consists of 18 different levels.  Some of these levels include: a Simple Way to Wake Up, Slice Turkey, Open a Garage and Close a Window.  

One aspect of this game that I like is that you can use the hints if you need to, but if you want a real challenge you can try to create the contraptions without help.  I also like how that the puzzles can be solved in more than one way!

Download on iTunes App Store:
Download on Google Play for Android:

Here is a preview of the app with the @RubeWorks official trailer.
RubeWorks is designed by @UnityGames, @ElectrcEggplant, @DavidBFox@RubeGoldberg